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After the inspection process precision parts processing products

  After completing the machining precision parts to be tested in order to make a qualified product. However, precision parts machining and general machining parts in different places is part of a complex and sophisticated, so the inspection process precision parts processing of products to be screened over and over again, to do this work is how people examined, Here to tell us about the inspection process precision parts machining:
  1. single and small batch production, dimensional accuracy is generally used outside micrometer inspection;
  2. When a large number of mass production, often with smooth limit gauge test, the length of the large, high precision workpieces available comparator test;
  3. The roughness of the surface roughness can be used to test the model;
  4. with the higher requirements of an optical microscope or profilometer inspection;
  5. Semi-roundness error can be detected within a micrometer of the same cross-sectional diameter of the workpiece to determine the maximum difference can also be used by means of a dial indicator to measure the V-shaped iron, if conditions permit, available roundness test;
  6. Spindle top hole location accuracy test each other at both ends of the shaft generally tapered top hole plug or process as positioning reference, respectively, over the two bearing journals with a dial gauge.
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